Saturday, August 14, 2010

Book Recommendations!

In my very first post I made some references to the idea that being a feminist means you're open to making choices, and just having the option is part of the joy!

However, I've had a really tough time feeling like a "good feminist." In reality, I'm a pretty traditional person, though I am very pro-woman in my attitudes. So it's been tough for me to bring together my attitudes (Go women! Sexual liberation! Reach for the stars!) with my reality (Married next year at age 22, still a virgin, unsure of my career).

Luckily, someone else in this world realized the ways women are being tugged in many directions, and she decided to write a book about it. Her name is Peggy Orenstein, and the book is called "Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, and Life in a Half-Changed World."

Over a couple of years, Orenstein interviewed over 200 women about their life choices and the struggles they feel. Often, we are told we can do everything, but it's truly much more difficult to manage love, family, and the professional world.

The stories aren't preachy, and Orenstein doesn't offer a concrete answer. But what she reveals is a world full of choices. Choices to have children. Choices to remain childless. Choices to rise to the top in their careers. Choices to find love and screw the rest.

The book offers so many perspectives and the truth that there isn't one right way to do it, so the best we can do is embrace the choices that we are able to make. The read is easy, but it also sucks you in.

I highly recommend that anyone facing life choices choose to give Orenstein's work a try. It's absolutely made a world of difference for me.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

...and to think I usually HATE the dentist!

Hey there, Internets! It's been quite a while!

I just thought it might be fun to check in and write about a cool feminism-related story I heard yesterday.

Basically, I went to the dentist (which usually sucks majorly, since my teeth are overrun by cavities even when I'm doing my best to keep them beautiful!) and had a 50-something hygienist. I was wearing a shirt I got from the Women's Center at UD. On the back is a saying along the lines of "To tell a woman what she may not do is to tell her what she can do" or something like that.

So while my teeth were being cleaned, she told me about how the back of my shirt is absolutely true. And then she explained that she'd originally never thought of going to school. In fact, she apparently never received her high school degree. She worked most of her life as a waitress, and then after her restaurant closed (or burned down or something like that) she went back to school and then decided to get a degree as a dental hygienist.

And THEN when her husband wasn't the most supportive, she moved out into her own trailer so she could be completely devoted to her studies. She obviously succeeded (since she was able to tell me so much about dental health!) and made sure to tell me "No one can tell me what I can't do. I'll just prove them wrong!"

To top off this awesome story, I am cavity-free!! Such a success!!

I'd be happy to hear any other stories about powerful women who have overcome obstacles that you, my dear few readers, may know!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do you hear the people studying for hard tests?

It's EXAM WEEK! Blaaaaaaah

I'm currently listening to Les Miz, which I haven't listened to in AGES. My current favorite song is "Stars" but I also have always been a fan of "One Day More" and "Master of the House."

Anyway, want to help me study by reading some info I'm typing out? SURE YOU DO!

Ok, I'm currently studying for Children and Media, and one of the things we've talked about is the way that media violence relates to young kids. There was a video that was amusing (though I thought it might've been the tiniest bit staged...but that's just me) where they did an experiment called Barney vs. Power Rangers.

Basically, the film crew set up in a preschool room and showed the kids and episode of Barney. They then engaged in calm play. The next day, the kids watched Power Rangers, and they immediately broke out into chaos. Kids were throwing punches and fighting over which power ranger they could be. Even the really peaceful kids enjoyed playing by kicking and play fighting. It was quite a site to see!

Also, my text gives these four ways that the internet can be used as an effective learning tool.
1. Use Active Engagement
2. Learn Through Group Participation
3. Learn Through Frequent Interaction and Feedback.
4. Learn Through Connections to Real-Life Contexts.

...or you could just be like me, and learn by blogging about your study guide. ;)

Goodnight, everyone! Sweet dreams!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Blog

Hey there, world.

I've been considering blogging for a while. I'm not 100% sure what it'll be about, but mostly I'll probably talk about movies, tv, gender roles, and life in general. Feedback is appreciated!
First of all, I'm going to start with talking about a new obsession of mine. I have been passionate about the subject for approximately two days? The obsession?


I read an article on that was about whether or not women can enjoy wearing aprons in the kitchen (a traditional sign of domesticity and submission) while also being a passionate feminist (my ruling was yes! Part of the empowerment of feminism is the ability to make CHOICES whether those choices are to fight for reproductive rights or to wear an apron while you make cupcakes because it is cute and keeps you clean! It's kind of like that episode of the GIlmore Girls where Rory makes Dean dinner while dressed as Donna Reid as a joke.). Anyway, I went to the etsy page that sold the featured apron.

Ladies and gents, I. Was. Hooked. The aprons are delightfully kitschy and fun and they make me want to bake or cook (with a copy of the Second Sex on my kitchen table, let me assure you!).

Anyway, here I'd like to share my favorites.

And the apron I first fell in love with! ;)

So, I guess my blogging begins with talk about aprons.They're fun and cute, and a good excuse to spend an hour on etsy.

All images come from

Have a great Saturday, everyone!!
